Information platforms
Population and Housing Census Bolivia 2001 - 2012
Three platforms were designed for this source of information, these correspond to the last three censuses of the country, that of 1992, 2001 and 2012. The platforms are designed in Redatam and allow browsing the data at different levels of disaggregation (Departments, Provinces and municipalities). Variables and indicators related to topics of strong interest for local development are included.

Household Survey 1999 - 2011
A platform was designed for this source of information; it contains the household surveys from 1999 to 2011. The platform is designed in Redatam and allows browsing the data with disaggregation levels up to department. Variables and indicators related to topics of strong interest for local development are included.
The Latinobarometer for Bolivia 1996 to 2009
The platform is designed in Redatam; allows you to browse the different countries of the region and compare them with Bolivia. There is no greater disaggregation than the national one, this is due to the size of the sample within each country and that the objective of the study is mainly to compare the indicators between the different countries.

National Demographic and Health Survey 1989-2008
A platform for this source of information corresponds to the 5 existing demographic and health surveys in Bolivia (1989, 1994, 1998, 2003 and 2008). The platform is designed in Redatam and allows browsing the data at departmental disaggregation levels and by Urban-Rural area. Variables and indicators related to topics of strong interest for local development are included.
Municipal budgets 2015 by department
Aru Foundation makes available to the population in general municipal files that detail the municipal budget for 2015.
The source of the data comes from a compilation carried out by Jubileo Foundation.

Comunidad-i Mobile Application made with Shiny by R Studio
The Comunidad-i application was created in order to open up the possibilities for the user to access the information offered with the project, summarizing the most important data in descriptive tables and providing easy access to other information.
Comunidad-i platform developed in Redatam
Comunidad-i is a Bolivian initiative of the SMBC Community-Based Monitoring System project, whose main objective is to provide reliable and timely information at the community level to improve political decision-making, through the transmission of knowledge and management of technologies.