Household survey to measure the impact of COVID 19
In order to know the magnitude of the changes in well-being associated with the health emergency, during the containment measures and the recovery period, the Aru Foundation developed the "Household survey to measure the impact of COVID 19". The target population of...
Measurement, analysis and interpretation of the departmental MPI Tarija
This project was carried out by the Aru Foundation, which provided work on the systematization of the sampling frame, stratification, and selection of statistical units. In all the municipalities of the department, the selected sample reached 170 Primary Sampling...
Survey of households to measure IPS and other indicators of human development in the department of Tarija
The survey was carried out from mid-July to mid-August 2019, the survey considered in its design a probabilistic, stratified and staged sampling, considering the 11 municipalities of the Department of Tarija as study domains. Related InstitutionsDepartmental...
Economic inclusion program for families and rural communities in the territory of the Plurinational State of Bolivia
As an activity prior to the collection of information for the impact evaluation, Aru Foundation carried out, from August to October 2019, the consultancy "Listing exercise as part of the ex post impact evaluation of the Economic Inclusion Program for Families and...
Women of Bolivia – Your rights in the budget
The baseline was carried out from May to July 2019, covering 7 municipalities in the departments of La Paz, Cochabamba and Santa Cruz. The municipalities were: La Paz, El Alto, Viacha, Cercado, Colcapirhua, Santa Cruz and La Guardia. The study populations correspond...
Evidence Generation and Advocacy Workshops
In order to deepen the discussion, promote advocacy and generate clear and up-to-date evidence on the trends and causes of inequality and poverty in Bolivia, Oxfam and Aru Foundation developed activities within the framework of a collaboration agreement called...
Diagnosis, analysis and proposal of social protection for children
Through Supreme Decree No. 29272 of September 12, 2007, the Social Protection and Comprehensive Community Development Policy (PSyDIC) is established in Bolivia.Despite the fact that this social protection framework is in place, the country lacks a rights-based...
Calculation of the multidimensional poverty index of the Inclusive Markets project
This project seeks to build a qualitative and quantitative baseline based on reliable estimators with acceptable error levels for the product and effect indicators of the project, which allows to measure the initial situation or without the project, of the family...
Econometric Study on benefits and costs saved to the State by conciliation in court
This project elaborates a specialized analysis oriented to the impact of the costs saved by the State and the benefits for the citizen in the application of the conciliation in court in contrast to an ordinary judicial process, with an average cost per case, in the...
Preparation of a study on the relationship between migration and climate change in six highland municipalities of the Bolivian territory, which incorporates strategic guidelines for municipal management with a focus on adaptation to climate change and disaster risk management
This project analyzes the main elements that, linked to climate change and environmental management, lead the most vulnerable populations to opt for migration, through two components: • Participatory action research and statistical analysis, which contemplates the...