
Household survey to measure the impact of COVID 19

Household survey to measure the impact of COVID 19

In order to know the magnitude of the changes in well-being associated with the health emergency, during the containment measures and the recovery period, the Aru Foundation developed the "Household survey to measure the impact of COVID 19". The target population of...

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Women of Bolivia – Your rights in the budget

Women of Bolivia – Your rights in the budget

The baseline was carried out from May to July 2019, covering 7 municipalities in the departments of La Paz, Cochabamba and Santa Cruz. The municipalities were: La Paz, El Alto, Viacha, Cercado, Colcapirhua, Santa Cruz and La Guardia. The study populations correspond...

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Evidence Generation and Advocacy Workshops

Evidence Generation and Advocacy Workshops

In order to deepen the discussion, promote advocacy and generate clear and up-to-date evidence on the trends and causes of inequality and poverty in Bolivia, Oxfam and Aru Foundation developed activities within the framework of a collaboration agreement called...

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Preparation of a study on the relationship between migration and climate change in six highland municipalities of the Bolivian territory, which incorporates strategic guidelines for municipal management with a focus on adaptation to climate change and disaster risk management

Preparation of a study on the relationship between migration and climate change in six highland municipalities of the Bolivian territory, which incorporates strategic guidelines for municipal management with a focus on adaptation to climate change and disaster risk management

This project analyzes the main elements that, linked to climate change and environmental management, lead the most vulnerable populations to opt for migration, through two components: • Participatory action research and statistical analysis, which contemplates the...

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